ZUMBA is the fastest growing fitness program in the WORLD!

Come workout to the beat of internationally inspired music that will get you movin' and groovin', sweating and smiling!
It's an easy-to-follow workout that ANYONE can do to help them achieve their fitness goals!

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Do you need to know how to dance to enjoy Zumba?

Anyone can enjoy and reap the benefits from Zumba- you don't have to be ready for an audition with "Dancing with the Stars" to get a great workout and have fun. The steps are simple and are repeated in different combinations, so they will become familiar in no time! More importantly, no one cares! It's all about enjoying the music as you move to the beat, and as many Zumba instructors say, "Just fake it and shake it and you'll make it!" You'll find Zumba classes are a welcoming, non-judgmental place for people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and levels of fitness to just come move to the beat, have fun and get a fantastic workout! Want to try Zumba in your home before going to a class? See the section "videos" in this website for excellent Zumba DVDs and examples of "real" Zumba classes.


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